Greetings to you
It is with pleasure that we announce that we’ll be participating in this year’s Comic Con in Malta. We’re very excited!
The card game’s mechanics have passed through alpha and beta testing, and have had many tweaks, changes, and tuning of the deck! Duendo’s deck now consists of 70 cards and most importantly they all have a purpose. All this was possible thanks to the feedback we received from many of you, and we are very grateful.
So now at the Comic Con we would like to attract some more interest in Duendo, that can lead us to a successful crowd funding campaign by end of this year, fingers crossed. You can see our exhibitor’s profile here.
The convention will be over two days, 3rd & 4th November. While the 3rd cannot yet be confirmed from our end, we will definitely be there on Sunday 4th. We look forward to meeting you there. Maybe you get a chance to play a round of Duendo too!
You can buy your visitor tickets from one of the locations listed on the Malta Comic Con website
P.S. Remember to also follow us on Facebook: Duendo the card game

Thank you for the new information. I be looking forward for all to come.